(2006)镇刑一初字第 12 号
公诉机关: 江苏省镇江市人民检察院
被告人杨同彦, 男, 1962 年 2 月 21 日出生于江苏省泗阳县,汉族, 大学文化,无业,户籍在:
江苏省南京市白下区慧园街 9 号 201 室,暂住江苏省南京市江宁区太平花苑 10 幢 2 单元
203 室。1991 年 7 月因犯组织、领导反 革命集团罪被判处有期徒刑十年,剥夺政治权利
四年。2000 年 5 月 31 日刑满释放。因涉嫌犯颠覆国家政权罪于 2005 年 12 月 23 日被监视
居住,2006 年 1 月 20 日被逮捕。现羁押于镇江市丹徒区看守所。
江苏省镇江市人民检察院以镇检刑诉(2006)013 号起诉书指控被告人杨同彦犯颠覆国家
政权罪,于 2006 年 4 月 25 日向本院提起公诉。本院遵照 江苏省高级人民法院指定管辖
决定,立案受理,并依法组成合议庭,于 2006 年 5 月 16 日不公开开庭审理了本案。江苏
省镇江市人民检察院指派副检察长董建 新、检查员陈东、代理检查员金庆华出庭支持公
江苏省镇江市人民检察院指控:2002 年 5 月至 2005 年 12 月,被告人杨同彦以“杨天
水”“中华泪”的网名在境外《大纪元》、《博讯》等网站上发 表《十一是中华民族的灾难
“专制政权”,意图推翻现行国家政权和社会主 义制度。其中在《十一是中华民族的灾难
难日。”在《谆劝中共的当权派》 中称:“赤贫、落后、野蛮、暴虐笼罩了大陆。专制是
样的独夫民贼,人 人得而诛之。”在《我们对民主大党的期待》中称:“我们认为目前威
中 称:“中国共产主义运动,本质是暴民运动”,“眼前的旧体制,将彻底走向它的坟墓。”
2005 年 3 月,被告人杨同彦杂技境外人员发起的“中国天鹅绒行动”网上投票选举“民主中
国过渡政府”的活动中,被告人杨同彦当选为“民主中国第一 届临时过渡政府”秘书处成员
的天鹅绒行动》一文,鼓吹‘天鹅绒行动’是 划时代的,其以一个新式的民运方式,在网络
2005 年 4 月,被告人杨同彦遵循敌对组织“中国民主党的纲领、章程,秘密组建中国民主
2005 年 2 月,被告人杨同彦接受境外“民主中国阵线”副主席盛雪等人的资金 500 欧元。同
年 12 月,接受澳大利亚孙立勇的资金 500 澳元,所接受的资金部分用于资助曾因危害国
录、现场勘查笔录、扣押物品清单,并出示了物证、书证、现场摄像 照片等证据。据此,
罪行重大,其行为已触犯《中华人民共和国刑法》第一 百零五条第一款,应当以颠覆国
推翻社会主义制度的犯罪活动,依照《中 华人民共和国刑法》第一百零六条之规定,从
以后,再犯颠覆国家政权罪, 依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第六十五条、第六十六条之
部分用于资助曾因危害国家安全罪被判刑的王文江等人及其近亲属 的事实不持异议,但
辩称:1. 撰写文章在境外网站发表自己的见解,是自己追求民主的一种表达方式,因而不
构成犯罪;2. 起诉书指控自己秘密组建“中国民主党苏皖分部筹备组”的事实证据不充分,
自己仅有组党的意图,仅写了《中国民主党苏皖筹备组宣言》,并没有发展组织成 员;3.
其辩护人的辩护意见是:1. 被告人杨同彦撰写文章批评、攻击我国人民民主政权和社会主
主观故 意;2. 被告人杨同彦发表文章支持“天鹅绒行动”已经与中国民主党毫无关系的准
备组党活动,不是颠覆国家政权的行为;3. 被告人杨同彦接受海外自己部分用于资助他人
经审理查明:2002 年 5 月至 2005 年 12 月,被告人杨同彦以“杨天水”“中华泪”的网名在境
2005 年 3 月,被告人杨同彦杂技境外人员发起的“中国天鹅绒行动”网上投票选举“民主中
国过渡政府”的活动中,被告人杨同彦当选为“民主中国第一 届临时过渡政府”秘书处成员
的天鹅绒行动》一文,鼓吹‘天鹅绒行动’是 划时代的,其以一个新式的民运方式,在网络
2005 年 4 月,被告人杨同彦遵循敌对组织“中国民主党的纲领、章程,秘密组建中国民主
2005 年 2 月,被告人杨同彦接受境外“民主中国阵线”副主席盛雪等人的资金 500 欧元。同
年 12 月,接受澳大利亚孙立勇的资金 500 澳元,所接受的资金部分用于资助曾因危害国
1. 中华人民共和国公安部确认“中国民主党”为敌对组织的说明,证实“中国民主党”在
2. 镇江市公安局在互联网上进行电子数据提取、固定记录,并经被告人杨同彦辨认、
签字认可,证实被告人杨同彦以“杨天水”“中华泪”的网名在境外《大 纪元》、
《人人有权反对专制》、《我们对民主大党的期待》、《反思中国民运》、 《铁
3. 镇江市公安局在互联网上进行电子数据提取、固定记录,并经被告人杨同彦辨认、
行动 ”。
4. 重庆市公安局对罪犯徐万平的电脑及电脑软盘进行数据提取、固定记录,证实被告
5. 镇江市公安局从被告人杨同彦的电脑进行电子数据提取、固定记录,并经被告人杨
6. 镇江市公安局从被告人杨同彦的电脑进行电子数据提取、固定记录,并经被告人杨
同彦辨认、签字认可,由赵昕撰写的网络文章即《为知行合一的杨天水鼓 与呼》,
证实 2005 年 4 月,被告人杨同彦和陶士季在南京中山陵与赵昕见面时,曾将秘密
7. 未到庭证人林小卫的证言:证实 2005 年 3 月上旬,林小卫听陶士季讲,杨同彦负
责中国民主党苏皖分部的筹备工作,具体情况杨同彦会找林面谈。隔了 一个星期,
卫和陶士季都是中国民主党成员,他自己负责江苏省范围内的中国民主 党筹备工
8. 未到庭证人陶士季的证言:证实 2005 年 4 月,杨同彦决定成立“中国民主党苏皖分
部”。同年 5 月,杨同彦亲自起草了一个纲领性文件,纲领性文件中 列了筹委会 5
委会成员之一。其证言还证实:被告人杨同彦和陶士季曾在南京市 中山陵与赵昕
9. 镇江市公安局电子数据提取、固定记录,并经被告人杨同彦辨认、签字认可的其与
从德国汇出 500 欧元的情况。
10. 中国农业银行西联汇款单及中国农业银行泗阳县支行贷方传票,证实 2005 年 2 月
1 日,潘文忠在德国汇给杨同彦 600.91 美元(折合 500 欧元)。
11. 泗阳县中国邮政储蓄存款凭单、辽宁省鞍山市邮政局储汇分局查询单及辽宁省鞍山
市中级人民法院刑事判决书,证实 2005 年 3 月 6 日,被告人杨同彦通过邮政储蓄
转汇方式将 500 元汇给曾因犯颠覆国家政权罪被判刑的王文江。
12. 中国农业银行西联汇款单及中国农业银行记账凭证证实,2005 年 12 月 23 日,澳
大利亚的孙立勇汇给杨同彦 500 澳元。13. 中国银行境内汇款申请书、辽宁省公安局出具的情况说明及辽宁省高级人民法院刑
事判决书,证实 2005 年 12 月 23 日,被告人杨同彦将人民币 2918.60 元汇给郑贻
14. 现场勘查笔录及摄影照片、物证照片、扣押物品清单,证实公安机关从被告人杨同
彦暂住地江苏省南京市江宁区太平花苑 10 幢 2 单元 203 室扣押 IBM600 手提电脑
15. 被告人杨同彦在侦查期间及当庭的供述,除其否认在秘密组建“中国民主党苏皖分
江苏省南京市中级人民法院(1991)刑字第 027 号刑事判决书及江苏省龙潭监狱出具的证
明,证实 1991 年 7 月,被告人杨同彦曾因犯组织、领导反革命集团罪被判处有期徒刑十
年,剥夺政治权利四年。2000 年 5 月 31 日刑满释放。
1. 加拿大籍华人即“民主中国阵线”副主席盛雪的证言,以证实盛雪汇给杨同彦的 500
2. 《中国民主党章程(章程)》,以证实被告人杨同彦及其秘密组建的“中国民主党
构成颠覆国家政权罪,且罪行重大,依法应予惩处。其与境外机构、 组织、个人相勾结,
被释放后,再犯颠覆国家政权罪,依法应当从重惩 处。对被告人杨同彦的辩解及辩护人
规定,公民在行使政治权利时,不得损 害国家利益和安全,被告人杨同彦在境外网站发
秘密组建“中国民主党苏皖 分部筹备组”,并发展组织成员,阴谋颠覆我国国家政权的证
危害国家安全 罪被判刑的人及其近亲属,在主客观两个方面均证明了被告人杨同彦具有
予 采信。江苏省镇江市人民检察院指控被告人杨同彦犯颠覆国家政权罪的事实清楚,证
据确实、充分,定性准确,本院予以支持。为维护我国的人民民主政权和社会主 义制度,
五条第一款、第一百零六条、第五十六条第一款、第五十五条第一 款、第六十五条第一
判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日。即自 2005 年 12 月 23 日起至 2017 年
12 月 22 日止),剥夺政治权利四年。
二.作案工具 IBM600 手提电脑、兼容机各一台,HP 打印机一台,诺基亚手机二部予以
审 判 长 杨 荣
审 判 员 吴金尧
代理审判员 张 云
二 00 六年五月十七日
书 记 员 刘 静
Zhenjiang (Jiangsu) Intermediate People’s Court Criminal Verdict
Zhenjiang Crim. First Trial No. 12 (2006)
Prosecuting organ is the Zhenjiang (Jiangsu) People’s Procuratorate.
Defendant Yang Tongyan, male, born February 21, 1962 in Siyang County, Jiangsu,
Han ethnicity, university graduate, unemployed. Household registration at Apartment
201, No. 9 Huiyuan Street, Baixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu; temporarily resides at
Apartment 203, Unit 2, Building 10, Taiping Gardens, Jiangning District, Nanjing,
Jiangsu. In July 1991 he was convicted of the crime of organizing or leading a
counterrevolutionary group and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment with subsequent
deprivation of political rights for four years. On May 31, 2000, he was released upon
completion of [that] sentence. Placed under residential surveillance on December 23,
2005 on suspicion of having committed the crime of subversion, and arrested on
January 20, 2006. Currently in custody at the Dantu District Detention Center in
Defense attorneys are Li Jianqiang and Lan Fang of the Shandong Huaguan Law Firm.
The Zhenjiang (Jiangsu) People’s Procuratorate issued indictment No. 013 [2006]
charging the defendant Yang Tongyan with the crime of subversion and brought
charges for prosecution in this court on April 25, 2006. Pursuant to the Jiangsu Higher
People’s Court’s decision on designating jurisdiction, this court filed the case for trial,
formed a collegiate bench in accordance with the law, and heard the case in closed
court on May 16, 2006. The Zhenjiang People’s Procuratorate designated Deputy
Procurator-General Dong Xinjian, Procurator Chen Dong, and Deputy Procurator Jin
Qinghua to appear in court for the prosecution. Defendant Yang Tongyan and his
defense attorneys Li Jianqiang and Lan Fang were also present in court to participate in
the proceedings. This trial has now been concluded.
The Zhenjiang People’s Procuratorate charged that: From May 2002 to December 2005,
defendant Yang Tongyan, using the online pseudonyms “Yang Tianshui” and “China’s
Tears,” posted numerous articles on Epoch Times, Boxun, and other overseas web
sites, including articles such as “October First is China’s Day of Calamity” and “An
Admonition to the Chinese Communist Ruling Clique,” in which he attacked the
leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, called the people’s democratic dictatorshipsocialist system. In “October First is China’s Day of Calamity,” he wrote: “The Chinese
Communist Party has named October First as its national holiday. This is despotic
China’s national day; October First should be a day of calamity for the Chinese people.”
In “An Admonition to the Chinese Communist Ruling Clique,” he wrote: “Abject poverty,
backwardness, barbarianism, and brutality are rife on the mainland. Dictatorship is the
public enemy of human nature!” In “Everyone Has the Right to Oppose Tyranny,” he
wrote: “The authoritarian system is itself a kind of absolute autocrat and traitor to the
people. Everyone has the right to punish such traitors.” In “Our Hopes for the Great
Democracy Party,” he wrote: “We believe that the main threat to the happiness of the
citizens of China today is not Taiwan independence but tyrannical forces on the
mainland.” In “Pondering the Chinese Democracy Movement” he wrote: “The
communist movement of the Chinese Communist Party is in essence a mob movement”
[and] “The old system before us now will be thoroughly [undone] and sent to its grave.”
In March 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan took part in the “online ballot” to elect a
“Democratic Chinese Transitional Government” that was launched by the overseas
group “Velvet Action of China,” and he was elected to the Secretariat of the “First
Democratic Chinese Provisional Transitional Government” as well as a member for
Jiangsu of the working committee for peaceful handover of authority in provinces and
cities. Further, in an article posted on the Epoch Times website entitled “The Epoch-
making Velvet Action,” he claimed: “‘Velvet Action’ is epoch-making, and the
‘Transitional Democratic Chinese Government’ born out of a new model of people’s
movement, through an online free and democratic election, is a legal government.”
In April 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan, adhering to the platform and charter of the
hostile overseas organization “China Democracy Party,” secretly formed and recruited
members for the “Preparatory Committee for the Organization of the Jiangsu-Anhui
Branch of the China Democracy Party.”
In February 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan received €500 in funds from Sheng Xue,
deputy chairman of the “Democratic China Front.” In December of that year he accepted
A$500 from Sun Liyong of Australia. These funds were in part used to [provide]
assistance to individuals convicted of the crime of endangering state security, such as
Wang Wenjiang, and to their close relatives.
To demonstrate the above-mentioned criminal facts as charged, the prosecutors
examined the defendant in court; presented witness testimony, records of evidence
collection, transcripts of on-scene investigations, and a list of items seized; and
produced photographic and written evidence, photos taken at the scene, and other
evidence. On this basis, the prosecution held that the defendant Yang Tongyan
organized, plotted, and carried out activities [aimed at] subverting state power and
overthrowing the socialist system. His criminal actions [constitute] a major crime and
violate the provisions of Article 105, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law of the PRC, and
he should be held criminally liable for the crime of subversion. [Because] defendant
Yang Tongyan colluded with organs, organizations, or individuals overseas to carry out
his criminal activities [aimed at] subversion and the overthrow of the socialist system, in
accordance with the provisions of Article 106 of the Criminal Code of the PRC, severe
punishment should be imposed. [Because] defendant Yang Tongyan had been
convicted and sentenced for the crime of organizing or leading a counterrevolutionary
group in the past and committed the crime of subversion after his penalty had been
executed, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 65 and 66 of the Criminal Code
of the PRC, severe punishment should be imposed for recidivism.
Defendant Yang Tongyan did not dispute the indictment’s allegation that he postedfrom overseas which he used in part to [provide] assistance to individuals convicted of
the crime of endangering state security, such as Wang Wenjiang, and to their close
relatives, but argued that:
1. Writing articles to express his own views and posting them on overseas
websites was a means of expressing one’s aspirations for democracy and
thus did not constitute a crime.
2. The factual evidence for the indictment’s allegation that he secretly formed
a “Preparatory Group of the Jiangsu-Anhui Branch of the China
Democracy Party” was insufficient. He had only the intention to form a
party and had only written a “Declaration of the Preparatory Group of the
Jiangsu-Anhui Branch of the China Democracy Party” but had done
nothing to recruit members.
3. He did receive funds from overseas and used these in part to assist
persons who had been convicted of the crime of endangering state
security and their close relatives, but this fell under the category of
humanitarian relief.
Yang’s defense attorney submitted that:
1. Defendant Yang Tongyan’s written articles criticizing and attacking
China’s people’s democratic dictatorship and socialist system were not
actions taken to subvert state power, but rather a means of expressing
ideas with no subjective intent to subvert state power.
2. Defendant Yang Tongyan’s actions in posting an article in support of
“Velvet Action” as well as in his preparations to form a party, during which
he had no contact with the China Democracy Party, were not actions of a
subversive nature.
3. Defendant Yang Tongyan’s humanitarian actions in using monies received
from overseas in part to provide aid to others did not
constitute subversion of state power.
In the course of the trial it was determined that: From May 2002 to December 2005,
defendant Yang Tongyan, using the online pseudonyms “Yang Tianshui” and “China’s
Tears,” posted numerous articles on Epoch Times, Boxun, and other overseas web
sites, in which he attacked the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the
people’s democratic dictatorship and attempted to overthrow the existing state power
and the socialist system.
In March 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan took part in the “online ballot” to elect a
“Democratic Chinese Transitional Government” that was launched the overseas group
“Velvet Action of China,” and he was elected to the Secretariat of the “First Democratic
Chinese Provisional Transitional Government” as well as a member for Jiangsu of the
working committee for peaceful handover of authority in provinces and cities. Further, in
an article posted on the Epoch Times website entitled “The Epoch-making Velvet Action”
in which he claimed such things as: “‘Velvet Action’ is epoch-making, and the
‘Transitional Democratic Chinese Government’ born out of a new model of people’s
movement, through an online free and democratic election, is a legal government.”
In April 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan, adhering to the platform and charter of the
hostile overseas organization “China Democracy Party,” secretly formed and recruited
members for the “Preparatory Committee for the Organization of the Jiangsu-Anhui
Branch of the China Democracy Party.”
In February 2005, defendant Yang Tongyan received €500 in funds from Sheng Xue,
deputy chairman of the “Democratic China Front.” In December of that year he accepted
A$500 from Sun Liyong of Australia. These funds were in part used to [provide]
assistance individuals convicted of the crime of endangering state security, such as
Wang Wenjiang, and to their close relatives.
To demonstrate the above facts, the following evidence was adduced and cross-
examined in court during the trial and has been affirmed by this court:
1. A memorandum from the Ministry of Public Security of the PRC verifying
that the “China Democracy Party” is a hostile organization, which confirms
that the China Democracy Party has chapters in China and overseas, is
antagonistic to China’s people’s democratic dictatorship and the socialist
system, and organizes, plots, and carries out activities that endanger state2. Electronic data retrieved from the Internet and archived by the Zhenjiang
Public Security Bureau, which, having been identified and signed by
defendant Yang Tongyan, confirms that defendant Yang Tongyan, using
the online pseudonyms “Yang Tianshui” and “China’s Tears,” posted a
large number of articles on Epoch Times, Boxun, and other overseas web
sites, including “October First is China’s National Day of Calamity,” “An
Admonition to the Chinese Communist Ruling Clique,” “Everyone Has the
Right to Oppose Tyranny,” “Our Hopes for the Great Democracy Party,”
“On the Chinese Democracy Movement,” and “Thoughts from Behind Bars,
No. 5: Form a New Party, Expand Unity, Strengthen the Fighting Capacity
of the Overseas Democracy Movement.”
3. Electronic data retrieved and archived by the Zhenjiang Public Security
Bureau from the article “The Epoch-Making Velvet Action,” which, having
been identified and signed by defendant Yang Tongyan, confirms that
defendant Yang Tongyan participated in the “Velvet Action of China.”
4. Electronic data retrieved and archived from the computer and computer
floppy disks belonging to the criminal Xu Wanping by the Chongqing
Public Security Bureau, which confirms that defendant Yang Tongyan
[participated] in the Velvet Action of China and was elected to the
Secretariat of the “First Democratic Chinese Provisional Transitional
Government” and as a member for Jiangsu of the working committee for
peaceful handover of authority in provinces and cities.
5. Electronic data retrieved and archived from the computer of defendant
Yang Tongyan by the Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau, which was
identified and signed by defendant Yang Tongyan. The document
“Declaration of the Preparatory Group of the Jiangsu-Anhui Branch of the
China Democracy Party” written by the defendant confirms that he was
adhering to the program and charter of the hostile organization “China
Democracy Party” in secretly forming and recruiting members for the
“Preparatory Committee for the Organization of the Jiangsu-Anhui Branch
of the China Democracy Party.”
6. Electronic data retrieved and archived from the computer of defendant
Yang Tongyan by the Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau, which was
identified and signed by defendant Yang Tongyan. The online article
written by Zhao Xin, “Encouragement for Yang Tianshui, Who Joins
Thought to Action,” confirms that in April 2005, when defendant Yang
Tongyan and Tao Shiji met Zhao Xin at the Sun Yatsen Mausoleum in
Nanjing, [Yang] informed Zhao Xin of a plan to form in secret the
“Preparatory Group of the Jiangsu-Anhui Branch of the China Democracy
7. Testimony of deposed witness Lin Xiaowei, which confirms that in the first
part of March, Lin Xiaowei heard Tao Shiji say that Yang Tongyan was in
charge of preparatory work for the Jiangsu-Anhui Branch of the China